Thursday, October 13, 2011

I really suck at this

I guess I am just not very good at blogging. Over the last few months, I kept thinking that I needed to update....I wanted to remember every step of this pregnancy as this might be "it" for me. I am really, really regretful that I did not do that. Oh well. What can I do about it now?

Anyway, obviously we have a viable pregnancy, one little baby girl is growing in there. We did have a scare at around 6 weeks....spotting. It turns out it was a sub-chorionic bleed. It hung around for quite a while. I started hemmoraging at work (in front of 30 7th graders....that was great!) at around 9 weeks. I was rushed to the hospital, absolutely terrified. Baby was fine :) A few days of rest, and I was back at work. The bleed was finally absorbed at around 19 weeks.

Everything has gone pretty smoothly until 33 weeks (mid september). My only complaint was swelling. That is when the contractions started.

Having a bout of contractions now...the computer is not distracting me as much as I thought it would. I will continue the story in a bit (jeez...this really is boring. Doesn't matter, it is just for me anyway! :)

Monday, March 7, 2011

5 weeks, 4 days

Well, our baby's size is somewhere between this....

And this.....

Wow...this baby has grown a lot this week! When we go for our ultrasound on Friday, our little one should look something like this:
Can't wait until Friday! So excited!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

1181 on 20 dpo

Another high number (...but not too high!) Everything is looking good. We have our first ultrasound on 3/11 (6 weeks, 1 day) at 9:15! So excited!!

So, this has been a rough week. Really nauseated, really constipated (which is strange....I have never felt THAT before, seeing as though I have Crohn's disease). Also, extremely tired, which is why it was so hard to actually work a full week this week...first time in a long time due to snow days!

My boobs are ginormous! I went out to buy a new bra last Saturday...E CUP!....and when I tried it on a few days later, it was TOO SMALL! Seriously! Motherhood Maternity does not go above E cup, so it looks like online ordering to me.

I am also having some trouble withe the PIO. I think my butt is starting to revolt. I have huge knots in both of my sides, but they have subsided with some heat, which is very good news. Nurse Tara tells me that after a heartbeat is detected, we can switch to estrace and progesterone suppositories.

Despite all of the discomfort, I am so ridiculously happy! A little baby in November! I am so excited! I also would really, really like to enjoy this pregnancy, and I don't want it to go too fast. I have been looking forward to this for so long! (I do want the next couple of weeks to speed up, just so we can make sure the pregnancy is viable, then time can crawl again!)

Gracie is getting more excited about being a big sister! Not that she wasn't before, but she seemed a little shocked when we first told her. We bought her this shirt:

We plan on telling our extended families by taking a pic of Grace wearing the shirt and sending it in an email, maybe with a pic of the ultrasound....especially if we are having twins. I know, I is a little bit crazy to think that we are having twins, our beta numbers just fall a little bit above the twin average. Also, if you believe my intuition....I was always convinced that our first IVF cycle would not work, but the second one would (and it did!) and I also pictured our cycle producing twins. Well, who knows. And I will be perfectly ecstatic with one baby....I just have a feeling. I guess we will find out on Friday (truly, I am just praying for a heartbeat!)

Will post baby pictures on Friday! :)

Monday, February 28, 2011


Our 13 dp 5dt... is 853. Anything over 100 is wonderful! 853 is....WOW!!! Could it be twins?? We only transferred one blast, so it would have to be identical.....I guess we will find out in a couple of weeks.

My 2nd beta is Wednesday.

I'm hungry! Off to go scrounge up some dinner!

Friday, February 25, 2011

4 weeks, 1 day

The reality has not hit me yet. I am so happy, but still in disbelief! Jay and I have waited for this for so long, it just does not seem real yet!

I am feeling some strange symptoms:

Yesterday I had really intense lower back pain and cramping that radiated down to my legs. Sleeping helped. Also, I slept a full 8 hours last night, but when my alarm went off, I felt like I was back in college pulling all nighters. I could not keep my eyes open this morning!

I have also had this strange shaky, dizzy feeling for the last week or so. It is becoming more pronounced as time goes on. Tara (my fertility nurse) assures me that this is normal, likely due to the high levels of progesterone in my body, as well as the extra work my heart is doing right now.

Anyway, today I am just hungry and tired. Now that I am home in my jammies and reclining in my chair, I do feel a bit crampy and have been feeling just a couple of sharp twinges. Good sign! (Although, I swear I probably would not really notice all the twinges if I weren't paying such close attention!)

So, here is what our little one looks like at the moment:
Beta is Monday at 7 AM. I worry a bit that I am jumping the gun, getting too excited before my pregnancy is confirmed. I only worry a bit, though. The only other time I had a positive pregnancy test is when I found out I was pregnant with Grace! I am full of confidence that our little one will greet us in November!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

November 3, 2011

Our baby should arrive around November 3!!!

I went to the acupuncturist yesterday and she told me I had "pregnant pulses". Well, that pushed me over the edge, and I decided to take a HPT this morning! It was positive!!!!

Beta on Monday AM! :)