Monday, February 28, 2011


Our 13 dp 5dt... is 853. Anything over 100 is wonderful! 853 is....WOW!!! Could it be twins?? We only transferred one blast, so it would have to be identical.....I guess we will find out in a couple of weeks.

My 2nd beta is Wednesday.

I'm hungry! Off to go scrounge up some dinner!

Friday, February 25, 2011

4 weeks, 1 day

The reality has not hit me yet. I am so happy, but still in disbelief! Jay and I have waited for this for so long, it just does not seem real yet!

I am feeling some strange symptoms:

Yesterday I had really intense lower back pain and cramping that radiated down to my legs. Sleeping helped. Also, I slept a full 8 hours last night, but when my alarm went off, I felt like I was back in college pulling all nighters. I could not keep my eyes open this morning!

I have also had this strange shaky, dizzy feeling for the last week or so. It is becoming more pronounced as time goes on. Tara (my fertility nurse) assures me that this is normal, likely due to the high levels of progesterone in my body, as well as the extra work my heart is doing right now.

Anyway, today I am just hungry and tired. Now that I am home in my jammies and reclining in my chair, I do feel a bit crampy and have been feeling just a couple of sharp twinges. Good sign! (Although, I swear I probably would not really notice all the twinges if I weren't paying such close attention!)

So, here is what our little one looks like at the moment:
Beta is Monday at 7 AM. I worry a bit that I am jumping the gun, getting too excited before my pregnancy is confirmed. I only worry a bit, though. The only other time I had a positive pregnancy test is when I found out I was pregnant with Grace! I am full of confidence that our little one will greet us in November!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

November 3, 2011

Our baby should arrive around November 3!!!

I went to the acupuncturist yesterday and she told me I had "pregnant pulses". Well, that pushed me over the edge, and I decided to take a HPT this morning! It was positive!!!!

Beta on Monday AM! :)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Lots to Update

PIO shots are going well.  Sometimes they hurt, sometimes they don't.  The nights that I don't like are the "double dose" nights....the delestrogen and PIO.  Ouch!

Our little one is "back home" as of Tuesday at 12:45!  The procedure went so smoothly (not at all like last time!) and our little blastocyst came out of the freeze with 100% of his/her cells!  Great news!!!  It was a perfect little blast, and it looks gorgeous!  (This is not our blast, but this is what it looked like!)

Anyway, I stayed home on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week, and tried to stay as flat as possible per the nurse's instructions.  J was so wonderful!  He not only gives me the shots as gently as possible, but took such good care of me!

I have been talking to our little one...I think this might be weird, but I don't care!  I just keep telling him/her to hold on to mommy!  Hopefully he/she will!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Blood work and ultrasound today

I had my blood work and ultrasound today.  My lining is 18.6 mm and my E2 level is 467.  Nurse Tara says that everything looks good, so we will start the PIO tonight (1 mL) and the transfer will be on Tuesday!  Yay!  I have decided to take Tue, Wed and Thu off, and then plan an easy day at work on Friday.  We have a long weekend next weekend, so lots of bed rest is in my future! :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Oops...Forgot to Update

Well, my little consent problem has worked itself out, and I had my first delestrogen shot on Monday night.  It was not bad at all.  In fact, I could not even feel the needle at all!  All that anxiety for nothing!  I had a sore bum until the next morning.  Now it is headaches, cramping and exhaustion.  Whatever, though!  Whatever it takes!

Next shot is on Thursday night! :)