Sunday, January 30, 2011

Tiny delay

Well, I had my baseline tests today....lining looks good...hormone levels look good.  Slight problem with the consent forms.  J and I signed the forms this morning and I brought the forms with me to the office.  Well, of course I forgot that they needed to be witnessed and/or notarized.  Oops.  The nurse at the office told me it was no problem, I should just bring it tomorrow. 

Got a call from another nurse this afternoon, and she says that I can't start my delestrogen shots until they have the consents in.  Ugh.  I debated for a minute about whether or not just to take the meds tonight anyway, but the nurse assured me that waiting one day would not be a big deal. 

It won't be a big deal.  Everything is going to be perfect with this cycle.  J and I will have our baby!  I can feel it! :)

Today is the day!

I have an appointment for my baseline bloodwork and ultrasound at 10:15 this morning.  Tonight is my first delestrogen shot!  So excited to start!

Friday, January 28, 2011

BCP Blows!

Boy, this was a really, really bad cycle.  I have never really loved birth control pills, but I have never had serious effects from them either.  For the last 3 weeks, I have had horribly sore boobs, crazy headaches, and a lack of weight loss (I have been on Weight Watchers since Labor Day, and my weight has been static since I have started the pills).  No matter, since the bcp craziness is done.....Sunday I start a whole new madness.

Sunday begins the preparations for our FET.  That means I need to drive to Rockville on Sunday morning (not a short drive) to have some blood work and a baseline ultrasound done.  Then comes the fun.  Sunday night, we start the Delestrogen.  IM.  I am trying to psych myself up for it.

I am also going to visit an acupuncturist tomorrow.   I am really excited about it!  There is not a whole lot of hard scientific evidence that it helps the IVF process, but it certainly can't hurt.  If nothing else, it will help reduce stress and that is never a bad thing.

I am getting really excited! 

Monday, January 10, 2011

Here we go again!

We are on the IVF road...bandwagon...train to hell......whatever you would like to call it....yet again!  I started writing a blog some time last year when we started all of this and then just stopped because I was too miserable to continue.  A failed IVF cycle is devastating.

You can read that blog here:  Our Journey Through Infertility

Well, as I said, we are at it again.  Unfortunately, a fresh cycle is nearly impossible for us.  For some inexplicable reason, my honey is just not producing sperm.  J went through a battery of tests and the urologist cannot explain what is going on.  Truthfully, I am concerned with J's health....what if something is wrong?  The urologist insists that everything is fine, but then whey do the sperm counts keep dropping???

Anyway, there is no blame here.  Between J's sperm and my bilateral hydrosalpinx, we both have accepted the "blame" and have moved on from it.  Now we just want a baby.

So, we have one frozen blast left from our fresh cycle.  This is our last shot at having our own biological child...if this does not work, were are on to a fresh cycle with donor sperm.  I think that we are both okay with that, too.  Like I said...we just want a baby.

CD1 was 1/4/11.  I had blood work and a baseline ultrasound on 1/6/11 (CD3).  I also started BCP.  I will go tomorrow for a mock embryo transfer and a pap on Friday.  I am ready, but I am really, really nervous.  The meds for this round are all IM....and I have heard some horror stories about PIO.  Well, suck it up Katie...we just want a baby.

The FET is scheduled for 2/15/11

Hopefully we will have a baby in November!